Book a Child 5-11 yrs flying alone
Under 18 yrs flying to/from South Africa
Booking more than 9 people?
Manage My Booking allows you to make payment for a unpaid booking made online, to view your ticketed booking;
change your contact info or your flight and book extras such as Excess Baggage. Changes cannot be made online if your
booking includes another airline. Contact your travel agent or
Within 48 hours of departure you can check-in and print a provisional boarding pass.
Passengers using web check-in are advised that they must not include Dangerous/Prohibited Items in their baggage. Before proceeding please read the Prohibited Items Notice and click below to confirm that you have read and understood the regulation.
I declare that I have read and accepted the regulations on Dangerous/Prohibited following on behalf of all passengers in the booking.
Please enter your email address below